Simulation of speckle patterns 

Matlab code 

% Program to generate movie of simulated XPCS speckle patterns for three

% different ensemble behaviours: (1) a single diffusing particle in an

% otherwise stationary; (2) an ensemble with increasing diffusion as

% temperature is increased linearly; (3) an ensemble beginning as a

% regular array crystal and melting; and (4) an ensemble of tumbling

% ellipsoids. 


clear; close all


disp('Choose one of the following scenarios: Single diffusing particle (S),');

disp('Tumbling ellipsoids (E), Melting crystal (M),');

prompt = 'Diffusing sample with linearly increasing temperature (T): ';

str = input(prompt,'s');

if (str == 'S') || (str == 's')

    vid = VideoWriter('singleParticleXPCS.mp4','MPEG-4');

    frameMax = 300;

elseif (str == 'E') || (str == 'e')

    vid = VideoWriter('tumblingEllipsoidsXPCS.mp4','MPEG-4');

    frameMax = 300;

    prompt = 'Ratio of long axis to short axes of ellipsoids: ';

    bOverA = input(prompt);

elseif (str == 'M') || (str == 'm')

    vid = VideoWriter('meltingCrystalXPCS.mp4','MPEG-4');

    frameMax = 600;

elseif (str == 'T') || (str == 't')

    vid = VideoWriter('diffusingEnsembleVtempXPCS.mp4','MPEG-4');

    frameMax = 600;



pos3 = [0.68 0 0.32 1]; % Position of subplot of difference FT of ensemble between successive frames

prompt = 'Include Difference FT? (y/n)? ';

stryn = input(prompt,'s');

if (stryn == 'Y') || (stryn == 'y')

    pos1 = [0 0 0.32 1]; % Position of subplot of ensemble of particles

    pos2 = [0.34 0 0.32 1]; % Position of subplot of FT of ensemble

elseif (stryn == 'N') || (stryn == 'n')

    pos1 = [0 0 0.5 1]; % Position of subplot of ensemble of particles

    pos2 = [0.5 0 0.5 1]; % Position of subplot of FT of ensemble



vid.Quality = 100;

vid.FrameRate = 30; % 30 frame/s


figure('units','pixels','position',[0 0 4*4096 4*4096],'ToolBar','none');

set(0,'defaultfigurecolor',[1 1 1]);


% Ellipsoids require smaller relative minor axes or else it looks too

% crowded

if (str == 'E') || (str == 'e')

    ra = 0.0125; % Radius of particles

    R = ra*8; % Initial size of radius of ensemble


    ra = 0.025; % Radius of particles

    R = ra*4; % Initial size of radius of ensemble


xmax = R*2^4.31;

coords = zeros(2,1024); % Initialize radii and angles of particles' origins


% Generate set of coordinates for the centers of randomly distributed but

% more or less evenly distributed particles, or in the case of a melting

% crystal, a regular square array of circles

if (str ~= 'M') && (str ~= 'm') % Not option of melting crystal

    for jj = 1:8

        % Increase area by two to accommodate doubling of number of particles

        R = R*sqrt(2);

        if (jj == 1) || (jj == 2)

            startval = jj;


            startval = 2^(jj-2)+1;


        endval = 2^(jj-1);

        for ii = startval:endval % Double number of particles

            % Place particles within annular ring with area equal to that of

            % the circle within it

            if (jj == 1)

                theta = 0;

                delr = 0;

                coords(1,ii) = 0;

                coords(2,ii) = 0;


                theta = 2*pi*rand;

                delr = R*(1 - 1/sqrt(2))*rand;

                coords(1,ii) = (R/sqrt(2)+delr)*cos(theta);

                coords(2,ii) = (R/sqrt(2)+delr)*sin(theta);





    if (str == 'M') || (str == 'm') % Melting crystal

        nUC = 0;

        R = ra*4;

        for jj = -8:8

            for kk = -8:8

                hold on

                % Square lattice of identical circles

                if (jj^2 + kk^2 <= 64)

                    nUC = nUC+1;

                    coords(1,nUC) = 16*R*jj/8;

                    coords(2,nUC) = 16*R*kk/8;

                end % Inside radius

            end % kk loop

        end % jj loop

    end % if M or m

    endval = nUC; % Set frameMax to nUC




% Plot out circles or ellipsoids and record each frame


% Initial values for orientation of ellipsoids

phi1 = 0.5*pi*rand(1,endval); % Random phase between 0:90 degrees for out-of-plane rotation of ellipsoids

phi2 = pi*rand(1,endval); % Random phase between 0:180 degrees for in-plane rotation of ellipsoids


str2 = ' T_0';


th = 0:2*pi/50:2*pi; % Plotting angles of circles or ellipses

for frame = 1:frameMax

    % Subplot of ensemble of particles

    if (str == 'S') || (str == 's') % Single vibrating particle

        pic1 = subplot('position',pos1);


        hold off


        difAmp = 2*ra*randn;

        difAng = 2*pi*rand;

        x_dif = difAmp*cos(difAng);

        y_dif = difAmp*sin(difAng);

        coords(1,1) = coords(1,1) + x_dif;

        coords(2,1) = coords(2,1) + y_dif;

        rdif = sqrt(coords(1,1)^2 + coords(2,1)^2); % Distance from centre

        if (rdif > R) % Keep particle within circular boundary

            coords(1,1) = coords(1,1) - x_dif;

            coords(2,1) = coords(2,1) - y_dif;


        % Plot out circles

        for kk = 1:endval

            hold on

            x_circle = ra*cos(th) + coords(1,kk);

            y_circle = ra*sin(th) + coords(2,kk);

            plot(x_circle, y_circle);

            if (kk == 1)

                fill(x_circle, y_circle, 'r')


                fill(x_circle, y_circle, 'k')





    if (str == 'E') || (str == 'e') % Tumbling ellipsoids

        pic1 = subplot('position',pos1);


        hold off

        x_ell = ra*sin(th);

        y_ell = 3*ra*cos(th); % Ellipsoid with long axis three times the size of other two axes


        % Plot out ellipses

        for kk = 1:endval % endval = number of ellipses

            hold on

            difAmp = 0.5*ra*(1+randn);

            difAng = 2*pi*rand;

            x_dif = difAmp*cos(difAng);

            y_dif = difAmp*sin(difAng);

            coords(1,kk) = coords(1,kk) + x_dif;

            coords(2,kk) = coords(2,kk) + y_dif;

            rdif = sqrt(coords(1,kk)^2 + coords(2,kk)^2); % Distance from centre

            if (rdif > R) % Keep particle within circular boundary

                coords(1,kk) = coords(1,kk) - x_dif;

                coords(2,kk) = coords(2,kk) - y_dif;



            phi1(kk) = phi1(kk) + (pi/30)*randn; % New o-o-p angle

            phi2(kk) = phi2(kk) + (pi/30)*randn; % New in-plane angle

            y_ell = ra*cos(th)*(1+(bOverA-1)*(cos(phi1(kk)))^2); % Rotate ellipsoid out of plane

            x_ell = ra*sin(th)*cos(phi2(kk)) + y_ell*sin(phi2(kk)); % and then in plane

            y_ell = -ra*sin(th)*sin(phi2(kk)) + y_ell*cos(phi2(kk));

            xvals = coords(1,kk)+x_ell;

            yvals = coords(2,kk)+y_ell;

            plot(xvals, yvals);

            fill(xvals, yvals, 'k')




    if (str == 'M') || (str == 'm') % Melting crystal

        pic1 = subplot('position',pos1);


        hold off


        for kk = 1:endval % Draw each circle

            hold on

            % Square lattice begins to melt and diffuse into random

            % positions

            if (frame > 1)

                difAmp = 0.125*ra*randn;

                difAng = 2*pi*rand;

                x_dif = difAmp*cos(difAng);

                y_dif = difAmp*sin(difAng);

            else % First frame

                x_dif = 0;

                y_dif = 0;


            coords(1,kk) = coords(1,kk) + x_dif;

            coords(2,kk) = coords(2,kk) + y_dif;

            rdif = sqrt(coords(1,nUC)^2 + coords(2,nUC)^2); % Distance from centre

            if (rdif > 16*R) % Keep particle within circular boundary

                coords(1,kk) = coords(1,kk) - x_dif;

                coords(2,kk) = coords(2,kk) - y_dif;


            x_circle = ra*cos(th) + coords(1,kk);

            y_circle = ra*sin(th) + coords(2,kk);

            plot(x_circle, y_circle);

            fill(x_circle, y_circle, 'k')




    if (str == 'T') || (str == 't') % Diffusing ensemble with linearly increasing temperature

        pic1 = subplot('position',pos1);


        hold off


        for kk = 1:endval

            difAmp = 0.01*sqrt(frame)*ra*randn;

            difAng = 2*pi*rand;

            x_dif = difAmp*cos(difAng);

            y_dif = difAmp*sin(difAng);


            hold on

            % Randomly positioned diffusing identical circles

            coords(1,kk) = coords(1,kk) + x_dif;

            coords(2,kk) = coords(2,kk) + y_dif;

            rdif = sqrt(coords(1,kk)^2 + coords(2,kk)^2); % Distance from centre

            if (rdif > R) % Keep particle within circular boundary

                coords(1,kk) = coords(1,kk) - x_dif;

                coords(2,kk) = coords(2,kk) - y_dif;


            x_circle = ra*cos(th) + coords(1,kk);

            y_circle = ra*sin(th) + coords(2,kk);

            plot(x_circle, y_circle);

            fill(x_circle, y_circle, 'k')




    % Add white circles at corners to stop saved image shrinking to size of

    % present ensemble

    for aa = -1:2:1

        for bb = -1:2:1

            x_circle = ra * cos(th) + aa*xmax;

            y_circle = ra * sin(th) + bb*xmax;

            plot(x_circle, y_circle,'w*','Linewidth',0.0001);

            pp = fill(x_circle, y_circle, 'w');

            pp.LineWidth = 0.0001;

            pp.EdgeColor = [0.99 0.99 0.99];



    axis square

    xlim([-xmax xmax])

    ylim([-xmax xmax])

    axis off


    filename = 'circles.png';



    str1 = num2str(frame,'%3i');

    if (str == 'T') || (str == 't')

        if (frame == 1)

            str1 = ' ';


        strTot = [str1,str2];

        hText = text(1.25*R,-1.25*R,strTot, 'FontSize',25,'VerticalAlignment',...



    hold off




    % Subplot of FT of ensemble




    I = imread(filename);

    hold off

    I1 = double(I);


    F = fft2(I1);

    F = abs(fftshift(F));

    if (frame == 1)

        Fprev = abs(F); % Previous FT


    minInt = min(min((abs(F)).^0.32)); % Power 0.4 compresses intensity scale

    maxInt = max(max(abs(F))); % Find central maximum


    xsize = round(size(F,1)/10); % 10% of linear dimension of FT image

    Fred = F(xxx-xsize:xxx+xsize,yyy-xsize:yyy+xsize); % Central 20% x 20% of FT

    maxInt = max(max((abs(Fred)).^0.32)); % Power 0.4 compresses intensity scale


    greenBlack = customcolormap([0 1], {'#00ff00','#000000'}); % Similar to laser green speckle





    if (stryn == 'Y') || (stryn == 'y') % Include difference FT

        subplot('position',pos3); % Subplot of relative differences between successive FTs


        DiffFT = 2*(F - Fprev)./(F + Fprev); % Varies between limits of +/-2

        DiffFT = DiffFT(xxx-xsize:xxx+xsize,yyy-xsize:yyy+xsize); % Central 20% x 20% of FT

        maxInt = max(max((abs(DiffFT))));


        RWB = customcolormap([0 0.5 1], {'#0000ff','#ffffff','#ff0000'}); % Red-White-Blue


        cb = colorbar;

        cb.Position = [0.975,0.25,0.01,0.16];

        caxis([-2 2]);





    frame2 = getframe(gcf);


    Fprev = F; % Set present FT to be previous FT in next loop cycle

    hold off

