Cartoon of parallel data acquisition in powder diffraction
Matlab code
% Cartoon movie of a modern powder diffraction experiment employing a
% microstrip detector for parallel data acquisition. The generated powder
% pattern is of silicon at 1-Angstrom radiation
clear; close all;
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Storyboard of the movie
% _______________________
% 1) Let sample holder accelerate to full speed
% 2) Fade in incident radiation and Debye-Scherrer cones/intersections
% 3) Continue for a short while
% 4) Fade out full cones, leaving only the parts of the cones incident on
% the detector, plus the bright lines on detector where the rings intersect
% 5) Fade in curved diffraction pattern in front of detector and hold for a
% short while
% 6) Straighten diffraction pattern to lie on x-axis
% 7) Show Cartesian plot for a short while
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Timing of movie
rampSpeed = 0.4; % degrees increase/frame during sample angular acceleration
topSpeed = 24; % top speed of rotation of sample holder/frame
sampleAccelFrames = round(topSpeed/rampSpeed) + 1; % Frames to get capillary to full speed
accel = 0:rampSpeed:topSpeed; % Values of steps in position during sample acceleration
fadeInRadiation = 60; % Number of frames to fade in the incident radiation and DS-cones
initialSitch = 60; % Number of frames to accustomize viewer to the full scattering scenario
fadeOutFullFadeInDet = 60; % Number of frames to fade in detector signal and fade out full DS-cones
fadeInRadial = 60; % Number of frames to fade in radial diffraction pattern
keepRadial = 60; % Number of frames to hold on radial diffraction pattern
radToLin = 60; % Number of frames to straighten diffraction pattern to being linear
linDiff = 90; % Number of frames showing linear diffraction pattern
constSpeedSteps = fadeInRadiation + initialSitch + fadeOutFullFadeInDet + ...
fadeInRadial + keepRadial + radToLin + linDiff; % Number of frames at top sample speed
totSteps = constSpeedSteps + sampleAccelFrames; % Total number of frames
constSpeed = topSpeed*ones(1,constSpeedSteps); % Vector of angle changes for each frame when running at full speed
totAngleSteps = [accel constSpeed]; % Vector of angle changes for each and every frame
% Form factor parameters for tetravalent silicon
a1 = 5.66269;
b1 = 2.6652;
a2 = 3.07164;
b2 = 38.6634;
a3 = 2.62446;
b3 = 0.916946;
a4 = 1.3932;
b4 = 93.5458;
c = 1.24707;
% Set up and initialize x-y data for plot out of powder intensity graph
mythenMax = 127; % Maximum 2theta angle measured by microstrip detector
tthStep = 0.025; % Step size in 2theta in degrees
powderPattx = (mythenMax-120:tthStep:mythenMax); % Range of 2theta values
powderPatty = 0.0*powderPattx; % Initialize diffraction intensities to zero
sigma = 0.16; % Standard deviation of diffraction-peak widths
coneRad = 7; % Radius of Debye-Scherrer cone
aSi = 5.431; % u.c. size of cubic silicon in Angstroms
hv = 12.3984; % Photon energy for 1 Angstrom radiation
lambda = 1.0; % X-ray wavelength
% -------------------------------------------------------
% Calculate Bragg-peak intensities and angles for silicon
hklmax = 10; % Maximum Miller index
nBPs = 0; % Initialize the number of Bragg peaks to zero
% Now work out SFs for 1/32 of volume: only positive h, k, l; k <= h, l <= k
for h = 1:hklmax
for k = 0:h
for l = 0:k
% dhkl = 1/Y. Determine here Y
hkl = (h^2 + k^2 + l^2)^0.5;
hkl2 = (h^2 + k^2 + l^2);
Y = (hkl)/aSi; % 1/d_hkl
twoth = 2*asind(lambda*Y/2); % 2theta in degrees
% Only allowed reflections for diamond structure
% For h, k, l all odd, or h, k, l all even and h+k+l = 4m
% See plot of allowed reflections v (h^2 + k^2 + l^2) in
% Figure 6.13 of the second edition of "Introduction to
% Synchrotron Radiation - Techniques and Applications" by
% Philip Willmott, Wiley (2019)
if (mod(hkl2,8) == 0) || (mod(hkl2,8) == 3) && (twoth < mythenMax)
Q = 2*pi*Y; % Scattering vector
% Not the Q=0 forward scattered reflection or Q > Qmax
if (h^2 + k^2 + l^2 ~= 0) && (hkl <= hklmax) && (1/Y > lambda/2)
% Determine multiplicity of each reflection depending
% on symmetry of the (hkl) values
if (k==0) && (l==0) % (h00) reflection, multiplicity = 6
M = 6;
if (k==h) && (l==0) % (hh0) reflection, multiplicity = 12
M = 12;
if (k==h) && (l==h) % (hhh) reflection, multiplicity = 8
M = 8;
if (k~=h) && (k~=0) && (l==0) % (hk0) reflection, multiplicity = 24
M = 24;
if (k~=h) && (k~=0) && (l==k) % (hkk) reflection, multiplicity = 24
M = 24;
if (k~=h) && (l~=h) && (l~=0) && (l~=k) && (k~=0) % (hkl) reflection, multiplicity = 48
M = 48;
% Now calculate form factors for silicon according
% to standard of four Gaussians plus a constant
fSi = a1*exp(-b1*(Q/(4*pi))^2) + ...
a2*exp(-b2*(Q/(4*pi))^2) + ...
a3*exp(-b3*(Q/(4*pi))^2) + ...
a4*exp(-b4*(Q/(4*pi))^2) + c;
FSi = fSi*(1+(-1)^(h+k) + (-1)^(k+l) + (-1)^(h+l))...
* (1 + (-1i)^(h+k+l)); % Structure factor for present h,k,l
if (FSi ~= 0)
sinth = Q*lambda/(4*pi); % sin(theta)
sin2th = sin(2*asin(sinth)); % sin(2theta)
LF = 1/(sinth*sin2th); % Lorentz factor
ISi = M*LF*FSi*conj(FSi); % Intensity of Bragg peak
twoth = 2*asind(sinth); % 2theta in degrees
nBPs = nBPs+1; % Increase number of registered Bragg peaks by 1
twothVector(nBPs) = twoth; % Add to vector array of 2theta positions of Bragg peaks
powderInt(nBPs) = ISi; % Add to vector array of intensities of Bragg peaks
% Add Bragg peak to powder pattern
powderPatty = powderPatty + ...
end % Determine intensities and 2theta values
end % Not direct beam and inaccessible peaks for which sin(theta) > 1
end % Only allowed peaks for silicon
end % l-loop
end % k-loop
end % h-loop
% -------------------------------------------------------------------
% Calculate x- and z-positions of curved plotted out diffraction pattern on
% the front face of the microstrip detector (@ y = -0.801)
RdataZero = 1.8*coneRad; % Radius of baseline with zero intensity
RdataMax = 1.2*coneRad; % Radius of maximum of diffraction data
Rdiff = RdataZero - RdataMax; % Span of data
powderPatty = powderPatty/max(powderPatty); % Normalize diffraction pattern to unity
Rdata = RdataZero - powderPatty*Rdiff; % Convert diffraction intensities to radii from (000)
Rdatax = -Rdata.*cosd(powderPattx); % x-values of curved data
Rdatay = 0*Rdatax-0.801; % y-values of curved data
Rdataz = -Rdata.*sind(powderPattx); % z-values of curved data
% -------------------------------------------------------------------
% Calculate x- and z-positions of standard Cartesian plot of diffraction
% pattern
xExtent = 20; % Width of plot in matlab units
xZero = -17; % x-origin in matlab units
zExtent = 10; % Height of plot in matlab units
zZero = -15.65; % z-origin in matlab units
% x, y, and z values for "normal" Cartesian plot of the powder pattern
powderCartx = powderPattx*xExtent/(max(powderPattx) - min(powderPattx))+xZero;
powderCarty = 0*powderPattx-0.801;
powderCartz = powderPatty*zExtent/(max(powderPatty) - min(powderPatty))+zZero;
% -----------------------------------------------------
% Determine surfs for Debye-Scherrer cones and strips
for kk = 1:nBPs % For all registered Bragg peaks
% Render entire cone
t = 0:1;
r = coneRad*t*sind(twothVector(kk));
[x,y,z] = cylinder(r,500);
surfArrayx(:,:,kk) = [x];
surfArrayy(:,:,kk) = [y];
surfArrayz(:,:,kk) = [z];
[x2,y2,z2] = cylinder(r,500);
for iii = 1:2
for jjj = 1:501
if (abs(y2(2,jjj))>0.4 || x2(2,jjj)>0)
x2(iii,jjj) = NaN;
y2(iii,jjj) = NaN;
z2(iii,jjj) = NaN;
stripArrayx(:,:,kk) = [x2];
stripArrayy(:,:,kk) = [y2];
stripArrayz(:,:,kk) = [z2];
% -------------------------------------------------------------------
% Set up movie parameters and graphics settings
vid = VideoWriter('PDexperimental.mp4','MPEG-4');
vid.Quality = 100;
vid.FrameRate = 30;
figure('units','pixels','position',[0 0 1920 1080],'ToolBar','none');
set(0,'defaultfigurecolor',[1 1 1]);
set(0, 'DefaultFigureRenderer', 'opengl');
myBlue = [0.4 0.44 0.73];
myCopper = [0.73 0.45 0.20];
myGold = [0.7969 0.6406 0.2383];
myBrass = [225 193 110]/255;
midGrey = [0.65 0.65 0.65];
lightGrey = [0.8 0.8 0.8];
lightGrey2 = [0.85 0.85 0.85];
darkGrey = [0.5 0.5 0.5];
lightBlue = [0.2 0.6 0.8];
lp = [1 -1 2];
lp2 = [1 0.1 0.5];
pos1 = [-0.1 -0.2 1.0 1.5];
maxAlpha = 0.5; % Maximum allowed opacity of Debye-Scherrer cone
maxPowderInt = max(powderInt); % Associated maximum signal intensity
moveSampleHolder = 3.3034; % Distance to move holder so middle of capillary is at (0,0,0)
angSum = 0;
frmNo = 0;
varAlp = 0.001;
% --------------
% Generate movie
for ii = totAngleSteps % Loop according to vector containing change in angle for each new frame
frmNo = frmNo + 1; % Increase frame number by 1
angSum = angSum + ii; % Increase total rotational angle by value of ii
angNow = mod(angSum,360); % Just use values between 0 and 360 degrees
hold off;
az = 40;
pol = 40;
axis equal
axis off
axis tight
hold on
% Dummy line to keep viewing field constant
plot3([-17 0],[-0.802 -0.802],[-20.1 -20.1],...
'color','w', 'LineWidth', 0.1);
% ------------------------------------------------------------
% Rotating capillary holder
[X,Y,Z] = cylinder(1,360);
baseRing1 = surf(X*0.95,Y*0.95,0.6*Z-moveSampleHolder,'FaceColor',...
rotate(baseRing1,[1 0 0],90,[0,0,0]);
rotate(baseRing1,[0 1 0],angNow,[0,0,0]);
baseRing2 = surf(X,Y,0.5*Z+0.05-moveSampleHolder,'FaceColor',...
rotate(baseRing2,[1 0 0],90,[0,0,0]);
rotate(baseRing2,[0 1 0],angNow,[0,0,0]);
theta = (0:360);
Xadd = 0.02*cosd(64*theta);
Yadd = 0.02*sind(64*theta);
X = X+Xadd; % Make ring nobbly
Y = Y+Yadd; % Make ring nobbly
fingerRing = surf(X,Y,0.4*Z+0.1-moveSampleHolder,'FaceColor',...
rotate(fingerRing,[1 0 0],90,[0,0,0]);
rotate(fingerRing,[0 1 0],angNow,[0,0,0]);
% Top circular surface of base ring
x = sind(theta);
y = cosd(theta);
z = 0.0*y;
topSurf1 = fill3(x,y,z+0.55-moveSampleHolder,lightGrey,'LineStyle','none',...
rotate(topSurf1,[1 0 0],90,[0,0,0]);
rotate(topSurf1,[0 1 0],angNow,[0,0,0]);
topSurf2 = fill3(0.95*x,0.95*y,z+0.6-moveSampleHolder,lightGrey,'LineStyle','none',...
rotate(topSurf2,[1 0 0],90,[0,0,0]);
rotate(topSurf2,[0 1 0],angNow,[0,0,0]);
% Lower translation stage
[V,F] = platonic_solid(2,3^0.5);
V(:,1) = 0.6*V(:,1);
V(:,2) = 0.6*V(:,2);
V(:,3) = 0.3*V(:,3)-moveSampleHolder+0.9;
stage1 = patch('Faces',F,'Vertices',V,'FaceColor',lightGrey,...
rotate(stage1,[1 0 0],90,[0,0,0]);
rotate(stage1,[0 1 0],angNow,[0,0,0]);
dovetail1 = plot3([-0.6 -0.3 -0.4 0.4 0.3 0.6,0.6 0.3 0.4 -0.4 -0.3 -0.6 -0.6],...
[0.6001 0.6001 0.6001 0.6001 0.6001 0.6001 -0.6001 -0.6001 -0.6001 -0.6001 -0.6001 -0.6001 0.6001],...
[0.8 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.8]+0.05-moveSampleHolder,'color',darkGrey, 'LineWidth',1.25);
rotate(dovetail1,[1 0 0],90,[0,0,0]);
rotate(dovetail1,[0 1 0],angNow,[0,0,0]);
[V,F] = platonic_solid(2,3^0.5);
V(:,1) = 0.05*V(:,1)-0.05;
V(:,2) = 0.1*V(:,2)-0.65;
V(:,3) = 0.05*V(:,3)-moveSampleHolder+0.8;
adjust1 = patch('Faces',F,'Vertices',V,'FaceColor',myBrass,...
rotate(adjust1,[1 0 0],90,[0,0,0]);
rotate(adjust1,[0 1 0],angNow,[0,0,0]);
% Upper translation stage
[V,F] = platonic_solid(2,3^0.5);
V(:,1) = 0.5*V(:,1);
V(:,2) = 0.5*V(:,2);
V(:,3) = 0.3*V(:,3)-moveSampleHolder+1.5;
stage2 = patch('Faces',F,'Vertices',V,'FaceColor',lightGrey2,...
rotate(stage2,[1 0 0],90,[0,0,0]);
rotate(stage2,[0 1 0],angNow,[0,0,0]);
dovetail2 = plot3([0.5001 0.5001 0.5001 0.5001 0.5001 0.5001 -0.5001 -0.5001 -0.5001 -0.5001 -0.5001 -0.5001 0.5001],...
[-0.5 -0.3 -0.4 0.4 0.3 0.5,0.5 0.3 0.4 -0.4 -0.3 -0.5 -0.5],...
[0.8 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.8]+0.65-moveSampleHolder,'color',darkGrey, 'LineWidth',1.25);
rotate(dovetail2,[1 0 0],90,[0,0,0]);
rotate(dovetail2,[0 1 0],angNow,[0,0,0]);
[V,F] = platonic_solid(2,3^0.5);
V(:,1) = 0.1*V(:,1)-0.55;
V(:,2) = 0.05*V(:,2)-0.025;
V(:,3) = 0.05*V(:,3)-moveSampleHolder+1.425;
adjust2 = patch('Faces',F,'Vertices',V,'FaceColor',myBrass,...
rotate(adjust2,[1 0 0],90,[0,0,0]);
rotate(adjust2,[0 1 0],angNow,[0,0,0]);
% Domed connector block
[X,Y,Z] = sphere(2000);
sphnot = 0.3;
% Only surviving part of sphere for X > xnot - a small slice of the sphere
X(abs(X)>sphnot) = NaN ; Y(abs(Y)>sphnot) = NaN ; Z(Z<sphnot) = NaN;
domeSurf = surf(X,Y,Z+1.25-moveSampleHolder,'FaceColor',lightGrey,'LineStyle','none',...
rotate(domeSurf,[1 0 0],90,[0,0,0]);
rotate(domeSurf,[0 1 0],angNow,[0,0,0]);
radSide = (1^2 - sphnot^2)^0.5; % Radius of side wall of domed connector block
xx0 = -sphnot:0.01:sphnot; % Range of x-values for top curved part of side wall
angSide = asin(xx0); % Range of angles defining curved top side of side wall of domed connector
xx = [-sphnot xx0 sphnot -sphnot]; % Range of x-values for entire side wall
zSid = cos(angSide);
zSide = [0 zSid 0 0];
domeSide1 = fill3(xx,xx*0+sphnot,zSide+1.2034-moveSampleHolder,lightGrey,'LineStyle','none',...
rotate(domeSide1,[1 0 0],90,[0,0,0]);
rotate(domeSide1,[0 1 0],angNow,[0,0,0]);
domeSide2 = fill3(xx,xx*0+sphnot,zSide+1.2034-moveSampleHolder,lightGrey,'LineStyle','none',...
rotate(domeSide2,[0 0 1],180,[0,0,0]);
rotate(domeSide2,[1 0 0],90,[0,0,0]);
rotate(domeSide2,[0 1 0],angNow,[0,0,0]);
domeSide3 = fill3(xx,xx*0+sphnot,zSide+1.2034-moveSampleHolder,lightGrey,'LineStyle','none',...
rotate(domeSide3,[0 0 1],90,[0,0,0]);
rotate(domeSide3,[1 0 0],90,[0,0,0]);
rotate(domeSide3,[0 1 0],angNow,[0,0,0]);
domeSide4 = fill3(xx,xx*0+sphnot,zSide+1.2034-moveSampleHolder,lightGrey,'LineStyle','none',...
rotate(domeSide4,[0 0 1],270,[0,0,0]);
rotate(domeSide4,[1 0 0],90,[0,0,0]);
rotate(domeSide4,[0 1 0],angNow,[0,0,0]);
% Brass capillary holder ring
[X,Y,Z] = cylinder(1,360);
Xadd = 0.005*cosd(45*theta);
Yadd = 0.005*sind(45*theta);
X = X+Xadd;
Y = Y+Yadd;
fingerRing2 = surf(0.1*X,0.1*Y,0.1*Z+2.2034-moveSampleHolder,'FaceColor',...
rotate(fingerRing2,[1 0 0],90,[0,0,0]);
rotate(fingerRing2,[0 1 0],angNow,[0,0,0]);
% Top circular surface of base ring
x = 0.1*sind(theta);
y = 0.1*cosd(theta);
z = 0.0*y;
fingerRingTop = fill3(x,y,z+2.3024-moveSampleHolder,myBrass,'LineStyle','none',...
rotate(fingerRingTop,[1 0 0],90,[0,0,0]);
rotate(fingerRingTop,[0 1 0],angNow,[0,0,0]);
% Capillary glass - slightly off rotation axis (0.005) to lend a bit of
% wobbly verisimilitude to the animation
[X,Y,Z] = cylinder(1,360);
capillaryGlass = surf(0.035*X+0.005,0.035*Y,2*Z+2.3034-moveSampleHolder,...
rotate(capillaryGlass,[1 0 0],90,[0,0,0]);
rotate(capillaryGlass,[0 1 0],angNow,[0,0,0]);
% Capillary powder - slightly off rotation axis (0.005) to lend a bit
% of wobbly verisimilitude to the animation
[X,Y,Z] = cylinder(1,360);
capillaryPowder = surf(0.014*X+0.005,0.014*Y,2*Z+2.3034-moveSampleHolder,...
rotate(capillaryPowder,[1 0 0],90,[0,0,0]);
rotate(capillaryPowder,[0 1 0],angNow,[0,0,0]);
% -------------------------------------------------------------
% Create a cone of incident radiation
t = 0.35:0.05:1;
r = t/14;
[x,y,z] = cylinder(r,100);
if (frmNo <= sampleAccelFrames)
incRadAlp = 0.001; % Very weak but defines viewing region
elseif (frmNo > sampleAccelFrames) && (frmNo <= sampleAccelFrames+fadeInRadiation)
incRadAlp = (frmNo-sampleAccelFrames)/fadeInRadiation;
incRadAlp = 1;
sourceRad = surf(x/2,y,10*z,'FaceAlpha',incRadAlp,'FaceColor',...
rotate(sourceRad,[0 1 0],90,[0,0,0]);
% -------------------------------------------------------------
% Create set of Debye-Scherrer cones and strips of these that impinge
% on the microstrip detector
% Define Debye-Scherrer cone alpha (opacity) for all frames
fadeInConesStart = sampleAccelFrames;
fadeInConesFinish = fadeInConesStart+fadeInRadiation;
initialSitchStart = fadeInConesFinish;
initialSitchFinish = fadeInConesFinish+initialSitch;
fadeOutConesStart = initialSitchFinish;
fadeOutConesFinish = fadeOutConesStart+fadeOutFullFadeInDet;
if (frmNo <= sampleAccelFrames)
DSalp = 0.001; % Very weak but defines viewing region
elseif (frmNo > fadeInConesStart) && (frmNo <= fadeInConesFinish)
DSalp = (frmNo-fadeInConesStart)/fadeInRadiation; % Fade in DS cones
elseif (frmNo > initialSitchStart) && (frmNo <= initialSitchFinish)
DSalp = 1; % Full intensity cones
elseif (frmNo > fadeOutConesStart) && (frmNo <= fadeOutConesFinish)
DSalp = 1 - (frmNo-fadeOutConesStart)/fadeOutFullFadeInDet; % Fade out DS cones
DSalp = 0;
% Define Debye-Scherrer strip alpha (opacity) for all frames
if (frmNo <= fadeOutConesStart)
stripAlp = 0.001; % Very weak but defines viewing region
elseif (frmNo > fadeOutConesStart) && (frmNo <= fadeOutConesFinish)
stripAlp = (frmNo-fadeOutConesStart)/fadeOutFullFadeInDet; % Fade in DS strips
stripAlp = 1;
for kk = 1:nBPs % For all registered Bragg peaks
% Render entire cone
coneAlpha = maxAlpha*powderInt(kk)*DSalp/maxPowderInt;
sourceRad = surf(surfArrayx(:,:,kk),-surfArrayy(:,:,kk),...
rotate(sourceRad,[0 1 0],-90,[0,0,0]);
% Draw intersections of cones with microstrip detector brighter yellow
if (frmNo > sampleAccelFrames)
lineAlpha = incRadAlp*(powderInt(kk)/maxPowderInt)^0.7; % power of 0.7 to increase intensity of weak peaks
lineSig = plot3(stripArrayx(2,:,kk),-stripArrayy(2,:,kk),...
'color',[1 1 0 lineAlpha], 'LineWidth', 2);
rotate(lineSig,[0 1 0],-90,[0,0,0]);
% Render only that part of the cone falling on the detector strip
if (frmNo > fadeOutConesStart)
partConeAlpha = maxAlpha*powderInt(kk)*stripAlp/maxPowderInt;
stripRad = surf(stripArrayx(:,:,kk),-stripArrayy(:,:,kk),...
rotate(stripRad,[0 1 0],-90,[0,0,0]);
% -------------------------------------------------------------
% Create 1D microstrip detector
theta2 = (mythenMax-122:mythenMax+2);
x2 = cosd(theta2);
z2 = sind(theta2);
outCurvex2 = 2*coneRad*x2;
outCurvez2 = 2*coneRad*z2;
inCurvex2 = coneRad*x2;
inCurvez2 = coneRad*z2;
plateX = -[outCurvex2 flip(inCurvex2)];
plateZ = -[outCurvez2 flip(inCurvez2)];
plate1 = fill3(plateX,0*plateX+0.8,plateZ,lightGrey,'LineStyle','none',...
plate2 = fill3(plateX,0*plateX-0.8,plateZ,lightGrey,'LineStyle','none',...
curvePlateX = -[max(outCurvex2) inCurvex2 min(outCurvex2) min(outCurvex2)...
flip(inCurvex2) max(outCurvex2)];
curvePlateY = -[0.8 0*inCurvex2+0.8 0.8 -0.8 0*inCurvex2-0.8 -0.8];
curvePlateZ = -[outCurvez2(1) inCurvez2 outCurvez2(125) outCurvez2(125)...
flip(inCurvez2) outCurvez2(1)];
curvePlate = fill3(curvePlateX,curvePlateY,curvePlateZ,midGrey,'LineStyle',...
theta3 = (mythenMax-120:mythenMax);
x3 = cosd(theta3);
z3 = sind(theta3);
detSurfx3 = 0.999*coneRad*x3;
detSurfy3 = 0*detSurfx3;
detSurfz3 = 0.999*coneRad*z3;
detSurfX = -[detSurfx3 flip(detSurfx3)];
detSurfY = -[detSurfy3-0.4 flip(detSurfy3)+0.4];
detSurfZ = -[detSurfz3 flip(detSurfz3)];
detSurf = fill3(detSurfX,detSurfY,detSurfZ,'k','LineStyle','none',...
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
% Plot curved diffraction data on front surface of microstrip detector
% and then straighten it into a Cartesian plot
fadeInCurvedDataStart = fadeOutConesFinish;
fadeInCurvedDataFinish = fadeInCurvedDataStart+fadeInRadial;
if (frmNo <= fadeInCurvedDataStart)
curveAlp = 0;
elseif (frmNo > fadeInCurvedDataStart) && (frmNo <= fadeInCurvedDataFinish)
curveAlp = (frmNo - fadeInCurvedDataStart)/fadeInRadial;
curveAlp = 1;
% Straightening plot to Cartesian
radToLinStart = fadeInCurvedDataFinish+keepRadial;
radToLinFinish = radToLinStart+radToLin;
if (frmNo <= fadeInCurvedDataFinish+keepRadial)
'color',[0 0 0 curveAlp], 'LineWidth', 2.8);
elseif (frmNo > radToLinStart) && (frmNo <= radToLinFinish)
xCurveToLin = Rdatax - (Rdatax - powderCartx)*(frmNo-radToLinStart)/radToLin;
yCurveToLin = 0*Rdatax -0.801;
zCurveToLin = Rdataz - (Rdataz - powderCartz)*(frmNo-radToLinStart)/radToLin;
azvar = az - az*(frmNo - radToLinStart)/radToLin;
polvar = pol - pol*(frmNo - radToLinStart)/radToLin;
'color','k', 'LineWidth', 2.8);
else % Last 90 frames showing Cartesian plot
'color','k', 'LineWidth', 2.8);
% -------------------------------------------------------------
% Store the frame
axis tight
axis off
frame = getframe(gcf);
hold off
% Output the movie as an mpg file