Cartoon of laminography experimental setup 

Matlab code

% Cartoon of laminography experiment with 70-degree tilt of sample. Adjust

% as you see fit 



close all

figure('units','pixels','position',[0 0 1920 1080],'ToolBar','none');

set(0,'defaultfigurecolor',[1 1 1]);


vid = VideoWriter('laminographyCartoon.mp4','MPEG-4');

vid.Quality = 100;

vid.FrameRate = 30;



myGold = [0.8 0.64 0];

lp = [-2 -2 1];

pos1 = [0 0 1 1];


% Dimensions in matlab units

incRadLength = 7; % Distance upstream to which incident radiation extends

FZPpos = -1; % Position upstream of FZP relative to focus @ (0,0,0)

samplePos = 0.0; % Position of sample downstream of focus

DetPos = 10; % Position of detector downstream

halfDetWidth = 0.7; % Half width of detector

sampleHt = 2.0; % Height of sample

imax = 5; % Determines outer radius of FZP 

sampleTilt = 70; % Sample tilt w.r.t. vertical axis 


% Set up cones representing x-rays

% Incident x-rays, slightly divergent

t = 1:-0.001:0.8;

[xC1,yC1,zC1] = cylinder(t,800);

% Cone of focussed x-rays and divergent scattered x-rays

t = 0:0.001:1;

[xC2,yC2,zC2] = cylinder(t,800);


% Image with transparent background - for displaying in cartoon

[chip,~,alphaMap] = imread('chipArchitecture.png');

alphaMap = 0.55*(alphaMap); % alpha map of sample image with maximum opacity of 0.55 


% _________________________________________________________________________


% Now nested for-loops to rotate chip


for rotAngle = 0:2:358 % Rotate 2 pi


    hold off



    hold on


    % FZP

    FZPth = 0:pi/100:2*pi;

    for jj = imax:-2:1

        hold on

        r1 = 0.125*(jj)^0.5;

        r2 = 0.125*(jj-1)^0.5;

        z_circle1 = r1*cos(FZPth);

        y_circle1 = r1*sin(FZPth);

        x_circle1 = 0.0*y_circle1;

        z_circle2 = r2*cos(FZPth);

        y_circle2 = r2*sin(FZPth);

        x_circle2 = 0.0*y_circle2;

        z_circle = [z_circle1 z_circle2];

        y_circle = [y_circle1 y_circle2];

        x_circle = [x_circle1 x_circle2];

        zone = fill3(x_circle+FZPpos,y_circle,z_circle,'k','LineStyle','none');




    % Incident, slightly divergent, radiation cone

    maxFZPrad = imax^0.5*0.125;

    incRad = surf(maxFZPrad*xC1,maxFZPrad*yC1,-FZPpos+incRadLength*zC1,...



    rotate(incRad,[0 1 0],-90,[0,0,0]);

    % Vary alpha of divergent radiation in x-direction with offset so it

    % remains semitransparent for all elements of surf = divRad



    % Focussed radiation cone after FZP

    focRad = surf(maxFZPrad*xC2,maxFZPrad*yC2,-FZPpos*zC2,...



    rotate(focRad,[0 1 0],-90,[0,0,0]);


    % Divergent radiation cone after focus

    maxFZPrad = imax^0.5*0.125;

    divRad = surf((1+halfDetWidth)*xC2,(1+halfDetWidth)*yC2,(DetPos)*zC2,...



    rotate(divRad,[0 1 0],90,[0,0,0]);

    % Vary alpha of divergent radiation in x-direction with offset so it

    % remains semitransparent for all elements of surf = divRad



    % chip

    for layer = 0:3

        XX = samplePos*[1 1; 1 1]+0.25+layer*0.04; % Position of sample in front of focus

        % YY in matlab coords = xx in sample coords

        YY = sampleHt*[1 -1; 1 -1];

        % ZZ in matlab coords = yy in sample coords

        ZZ = sampleHt*[1 1;-1 -1];

        chiplayer = surf(XX,YY,ZZ,chip,'FaceColor','texturemap',... 



        rotate(chiplayer,[1 0 0 ],90*layer+rotAngle,[0.25 0 0]);

        rotate(chiplayer,[0 1 0],sampleTilt,[0.25 0 0]);



    % Rotation axis

    plot3(0.25+2*[-cosd(sampleTilt) cosd(sampleTilt)],[0 0],... 

        2*[sind(sampleTilt) -sind(sampleTilt)],'k',... 


    % Incident-beam axis

    plot3([-8 8],[0 0],[0 0],'k','LineWidth',0.8);

    plot3([0.25 0.25],[-2.84 2.84],[0 0],'k','LineWidth',0.8);

    plot3([0.25 0.25],[0 0],[-2.3 2.3],'k','LineWidth',0.8);





    axis equal

    axis off

    frame = getframe(gcf);



