Increase in resolution with number of back projections

Matlab code 

% Movie showing improvement in image quality with the number of back

% projections


clear all; close all

vid = VideoWriter('backProjection.mp4','MPEG-4');

vid.Quality = 100;

vid.FrameRate = 10;


figure('units','pixels','position',[0 0 1920 1080],'ToolBar','none');

set(0,'defaultfigurecolor',[1 1 1]);

myIm = imread('cartoonFly.png');


for ii = 1:180

    sino = radon(myIm,0.0000001:180/ii:180); % First one bp only, then 2, 3, etc

    backproj = iradon(sino,0.0000001:180/ii:180);


    caxis([0 max(max(backproj))]);

    hold on

    axis square

    axis off


    str1 = '# back projections = ';

    str2 = num2str(ii,'% 3i');

    strTot = [str1,str2];

    annotation('textbox',[0.32 0.14 0.14 0.07],'String',strTot,'EdgeColor',...



    frame = getframe(gcf);


    if (ii<=10)


    elseif (ii>10) && (ii<=20)



    hold off



% Output the movie as an mpg file
