Earth cross-section
Matlab code 

% Animation that rotates the Earth by 360 degrees, then removes an octant 

% to reveal the inner structure of the Earth of the lithosphere, upper 

% mantle, lower mantle, outer core, and inner core 



close all


vid = VideoWriter('earthCrossSection.mp4','MPEG-4');

vid.Quality = 100;

vid.FrameRate = 30;



figure('units','pixels','position',[0 0 1920 1080],'ToolBar','none');

set(0,'defaultfigurecolor',[1 1 1]);


lp = [0.7 0.7 0.7]; 

LL = 1.25; 


[xx,yy,zz] = sphere(3000); % Earth with octant removed 

[xx2,yy2,zz2] = sphere(3000); % Full spherical Earth 

[xx3,yy3,zz3] = sphere(3000); % Octant of Earth 


% Remove octant 

for ii = 1:3001

    for jj = 1:3001

        if (xx(ii,jj)>=0) && (yy(ii,jj)>=0) && (zz(ii,jj)<=0)

            xx(ii,jj) = NaN;

            yy(ii,jj) = NaN;

            zz(ii,jj) = NaN;





% Octant only 

for ii = 1:3001

    for jj = 1:3001

        if (xx3(ii,jj)<0) || (yy3(ii,jj)<0) || (zz3(ii,jj)>0)

            xx3(ii,jj) = NaN;

            yy3(ii,jj) = NaN;

            zz3(ii,jj) = NaN;





% Read in representation of different components of Earth from lithosphere 

% to inner core as a set of coloured concentric circles. Drawn by the 

% author 

earthSlice = imread('earthSlice.png');

XX = [1 1; -1 -1];

YY = [1 -1; 1 -1];

ZZ = [0 0; 0 0];


% Get rid of regions that are black due to original image having 

% transparent regions outside circular representations of the different 

% depth regions of the Earth. Set them to NaN 

iimax = size(earthSlice,1);

jjmax = size(earthSlice,2);

for ii = 1:iimax

    for jj = 1:jjmax

        if (earthSlice(ii,jj,1)==0) && ...

                (earthSlice(ii,jj,2)==0) && ...


            earthSlice(ii,jj,1) = NaN;

            earthSlice(ii,jj,2) = NaN;

            earthSlice(ii,jj,3) = NaN;




AlphaData = earthSlice(:,:,1)+ earthSlice(:,:,2) + earthSlice(:,:,3);


% Read in surface representation of continents and oceans from an image

% that was produced to map onto a spherical surface. Original image

% 'earth.jpg' licenced under Creative Commons at 


earth = imread('earth.jpg'); 


% Full earth, no octant removed 

% Rotate this through a day 

for rot = 0:pi/60:2*pi


    hold off

    fullEarth = surf(xx2,yy2,-zz2,earth,'FaceColor','texturemap','EdgeColor','none');

    rotate(fullEarth,[0 0 1],rot*180/pi,[0,0,0]);

    axis equal

    axis off

    hold on


    xlim([-LL LL]);

    ylim([-LL LL]);

    zlim([-LL LL]); 

    set(gca, 'Projection','perspective');


    % Store the frame

    frame = getframe(gcf);






% Now move the octant (approximately covering longitude from Greenwich to

% India and from the equator to North pole in latitude) away from the

% original sphere 

for ii = 0:0.005:0.25 


    hold off



    axis equal

    axis off

    hold on








    xlim([-LL LL]);

    ylim([-LL LL]);

    zlim([-LL LL]); 

    set(gca, 'Projection','perspective');


    % Store the frame

    frame = getframe(gcf);





% Fade the same quadrant away to reveal inner structure 

for ii = 1:-1/30:0 


    hold off




    axis equal

    axis off

    hold on








    xlim([-LL LL]);

    ylim([-LL LL]);

    zlim([-LL LL]); 

    set(gca, 'Projection','perspective');


    % Store the frame

    frame = getframe(gcf);




